Top Tips To Stay In Shape
Staying fit is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. But when it comes to executing the plan, things don’t usually turn out the way you wanted them. This is because we always set goals that might not be too realistic and we do this while we are energized by a lot of enthusiasm and motivation.
Some people manage to stay in shape without much effort. But these people don’t just do it because they are extremely lucky. Of course, they are lucky enough to have some good genes but they also realize the importance of something that you might have ignored: consistency. The key to staying fit and in shape is to be consistent. It is like altering your lifestyle and making lasting changes that will become second nature. Here are the top 8 tips to stay in shape.1. Set Realistic Goals
The most usual thing that prevents people from following a healthy lifestyle is that they feel frustrated when they don’t see immediate results. It only makes sense that your body will need time to get and stay in shape. Planning to lose 10 pounds in 1 month is not the best idea for a long-term fitness plan. Instead, aim for gradual and long-lasting results that you can achieve with a complete body transformation.
2. Don’t Diet
Following a diet can help you lose a few pounds before an important event but is not the most practical way to stay in shape. Continuous dieting deprives your body of the important nutrients it needs to function properly. Your body needs sugars as well as fats and carbs to stay in shape.
Instead, try to switch to healthy eating. The 80/20 nutrition plan is a very good way to give your body all the nutrients it needs while maintaining a healthy weight. It is not wrong to cheat every now and to fight off cravings. Make sure that you eat everything in moderation because starving yourself will put your body into a starvation mode.3. Consider Healthy Meals
You can still have delicious and tasty meals that contain half of the calories you normally consume. By making a few adjustments, you can still prepare a tasty meal without adding those extra hard-to-lose pounds.
Use yogurt instead of salad dressings and sauces that contain a lot of sugar and salt. You can add different herbs and spices for an extra kick. Try to bake and grill your food instead of frying it. Invest in a slow cooker that will help you prepare delicious meals that are packed with flavors without adding too much fat.4. Pick an Exercise that You Really Enjoy
Vigorous exercising is a sure way to lose body fat and build muscles. But a lot of people tend to quit after a short period. Committing to an intense regimen of workout is hard especially if you are not used to it.
The best thing is to take it nice and slow. You are trying to change your lifestyle by reserving a special spot for exercise and workout. With time, your body will become more flexible, you will see visible results and you’ll be encouraged to work out more. Consider an exercise that you personally love, even if it doesn’t burn a lot of calories. You can start by Insanity workout or Zumba because they are fun. Later on, you can try weight lifting to build stronger and leaner muscles.5. Train Efficiently When You Are Away from Home
Staying in shape doesn’t mean spending all of your free time at the gym. You can still travel, have fun and explore the world. As a matter of fact, your trip can turn out to be one of the best fitness holidays if you pay attention to a few details.
Stop stressing about finding an appropriate gym or resources for effective training. You can still have a good workout if you run by the beach or swim for an hour. As a bonus, you are going to enjoy the extra shot of fresh air. If the weather is not good enough, you can always train in your hotel room. Do some HITT sprints, pushups or squats to keep your muscles in shape. You can also plan vacation activities that involve a lot of exercise and workout like kayaking, canoeing, snorkeling, and hiking.6. Sleep Well
Working out is not the only way to stay fit. Healthy sleep is crucial to keep you in shape. When you sleep, you give your body the time it needs to recover which will give you more energy to work out later on. Staying up late is also directly related to mid-night unhealthy snacking that can make you add a few pounds.
Try to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours per day. This will provide your body and mind with the rest they both need.7. Stay Active Outside the Gym
Don’t limit your activity to the gym. Remember that you are trying to change your lifestyle by incorporating more exercises into your daily activities.
Take the stairs instead of the lift and walk when you can. These are good cardio exercises that can burn a few calories. Pick fun activities that can burn a few calories. Instead of hanging out at the bar with your friends, you can all go for a hiking or mountain biking trip.8. Stay Committed
There are always going to be times when you are not following your pre-set workout regimen. That is OK. You need to understand that a full body transformation takes time and devotion. If you fail to follow the plan, you can make a few adjustments then carry on. With time, your body will get used to the whole process and exercise will become less stressful and more enjoyable.
These tips are very easy to follow and will help you get the body you’ve always dreamt of. Make sure that you incorporate strength training with cardio training for better-looking muscles and more stamina.