Lets Talk Detox
Who has done detox before and which kind? How long did you do it for? Did you train daily while on detox and how did you find it? How were your days after the detox? So many questions! I would love to hear from you and see how you have benefited from it and/or what were your struggles? Or if you are thinking of doing a detox, shoot me a message and I would be happy to help you get started.
In the meanwhile, here are recommendations of my 1 week juice detox. It consisted of 3 x 0.5 liters of juice per day where once in a while I altered 1 juice with fruit smoothie. Some days it was a bit of a struggle, but overall I absolutely loved it and I was so surprised how much your body is capable of changing just in 7 days by being consistent with changing your nutrition. Here is what I learned and I hope this can be beneficial for you.
- First of all, you do not feel hungry! Yes, you want to eat because it is such a normal thing to do and it is a habit that we all have after all, but actually you won’t feel hungry.
- Mindset. Make it clear to yourself, why you want to do the detox and stick to it. There is no other way, because more than likely at one point you will be tempted to break the detox earlier than planned and then you need to remind yourself reasons why you started in the first place.
- Being prepared. If you are doing the juices yourself, make the juice for the whole day, so you have it ready and won’t be tempted to grab something to eat that you should not.
- Green tea can be a lifesaver! As it is not recommended to have coffee while on detox, opt for a green tea and you will see, you might start liking it more than coffee, even after detox.
- Flax seeds. Add a tablespoon of grounded flax seeds to one of your smoothies or juice per day. It is good for your gut and will help along to digest your food once you are going off the juice detox.
- Days after the detox are as important as your detox by itself. So, plan ahead! And I could not highlight this enough. If you have not been eating anything solid for 1 week, your stomach needs time to get adjusted to processing food again. So, choose small portions and stick to food that is easy to digest, like vegetables and fruit.
As a summary, I would highly recommend giving detox a try, if you haven’t done so already. It can be anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It is very individual and it depends what you are looking to achieve, but it can give a good rest to your body, increase your energy levels and improve your eating habits.
Jane, koh Fit Thailand